Informed consent

General acceptance by patients

Telehealth Services include telemedicine, for instance, interactive video, remote video surveillance, store and forward, or other means or interactions with electronic media that allow you to communicate with your healthcare team or health care team to talk and interact with one another especially when they cannot be in the same destination. Some of the ways include using a mobile device, tablet, or computer to communicate with your health team.

Services such as telehealth are not valid for all the care requirements of patients. Your provider may require you to schedule a face-to-face appointment to diagnose your medical conditions.
This means you will not be taped or recorded through video or audio or even photographed in any way during the provision of telehealth services unless you agree to it.

As a patient, I accept and understand the following:

I also acknowledge that perhaps some time or the other I might come across my healthcare team utilizing this technology for some of my needs.

I also know that there is the possibility that some part of my care might be given by a telehealth provider who is off-screen.
I know that my telehealth provider may not conduct a physical examination of me personally at the time of providing me with my telehealth services.

I know that the technology on which telehealth is based sometimes does not work properly. I or my healthcare team may also choose to suspend or terminate the provision of a telehealth service to me or cancel it if the technology being used is not functional or if, from the assessment of my healthcare in general, I have the right not to receive telehealth services without interfering with my right to access care.

I understand that the laws that protect the privacy and confidentiality of medical information also apply to telehealth services and that no information obtained in the use of telehealth services that identifies me may be disclosed to researchers or other entities or used as part of a research study without my consent, except as otherwise permitted by law.

Rarely there could be circumstances where I may not have the right to cancel the visit/consultation such as clinical reasons and safety concerns.
A healthcare provider will tell me how a telehealth service will be provided to me.

I also acknowledge that just like all the other laws that were put in place to ensure that my medical information is kept secret, the same laws apply to telehealth services and this means that no information that may lead to my identification in the use of telehealth services may be released to researchers or other bodies or used for research purposes without my permission, unless the law permits it.
I also appreciate that there are other ways through which I can be reached by the doctor for issues to do with urgent care.

I may get more than one bill related to these telemedicine services that I am going to receive. I agree that my telemedicine provider may be an independent consultant and know that this consultation may lead to additional charges by the telehealth provider. I also appreciate the fact that my telemedicine service provider cannot be an employee of the health care provider/hospital through which I am being treated. I also acknowledge that it is my responsibility to pay for the self–pay portion of all billing associated with these interactions including co-pay, deductible, and all the like. I agree that befitting to me, since my insurance carrier does not count telehealth services in its list of services that will be offered by the provider, I may be charged fully.

Informing Patients Of Their Consent To The Use Of Telemedicine Service

The lawsuit requires such patients to acknowledge and agree that they have read and understood articles in the Telemedicine Services Acknowledgment Form mentioned above.

The lawsuit requires such patients to acknowledge and agree that they have read and understood articles in the Telemedicine Services Acknowledgment Form mentioned above.