Great for people, even better for organisations

Offering support through family-building, women’s health, men’s health, mental health, and caregiving with employee assistance programs and wellness programs can improve work outcomes and stop your organisation from letting talent fall through the cracks.

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    in Docty

    Great for people, even better for organisations

    Offering support through family-building, women’s health, men’s health, mental health, and caregiving with employee assistance programs and wellness programs can improve work outcomes and stop your organisation from letting talent fall through the cracks.

    Healthcare For employees - Not Just at Work

    How are employees affected in each stage of the family Planning journey ?

    Telemedicine: Extend Your Reaches and Amplify Impact

    Unlock global reach and effectiveness with Panther – the ultimate telemedicine app solution.

    Partner Networking: Better Together.

    Connect labs, pharmacies, ambulances, and insurance for faster, better healthcare solutions.

    Symptom Monitoring: Catch Early, Prevent Better

    Proactive Care: Use our Symptom Checker to assess, treat, and refer patients before their visit.